Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Chapter 8: Insert Disc 2

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Like VC said, It's over"

Hi - tapos na, period
Lo - boooored :|

In the "old" days of the PS1 (and not the slim, portable one. the fat grey one), most RPGs came in more than one CD. FF7 to 9 came in 3 or 4 discs, Xenogears came in 2 discs, and even Parasite Eve (not exactly an RPG, but one of my fave games) came in a double-disc. Because of this, the story had to be cut, or interrupted, at one point. You could usually sense when you'd need to change the CD, but it was usually a "bitin" feeling. A mix of "...That's it?" and "Awww... It's over..." and "I'm excited!" It's a feeling of acomplishment and anticipation. You're happy that one CD is over, and bracing yourself for the next part. However, unless you're making a speed record, it's also a time to stop and rest a bit. You think of the things you've done, the things you've missed (and might not get back. booo), and the things that's about to be done. But for now, save the game, stand up, stretch a bit and rest your eyes. You've earned it.

In the "old" days of Grade School and High School, finishing a quarter/term wasn't really a big thing. It's just one big roadblock, because just a few days after that, it's work again. There's not much feeling of accomplishment, since... I dunno... It's not as emotional as a college sem. A HS term is not as draining, stressful and emotional as a college sem, I'd think most of us agrees. And as such, the time after the finals is such a... happy experience. Goodbye to the friggin profs and memorable classmates. Hello 3/4 week sembreak! But for now, it's a time to think. Think of what I've done the past sem, what I didn't do (and still want to do), and what I'm gonna do the next sem. Finishing a sem is something to be proud about, but it's not something to be overly fullfilled about. Still got a long ways to go. But for now, store your books somewhere, forget about acads, go out, and rest a bit. We've earned it.

Excited about the sembreak, excited about next sem, excited about college.


Kari said...

I love our fat grey PS1. *hugs fat grey PS1*



Anonymous said...

harvest moon... 8D

Kari said...