Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chapter 4: The MidBoss

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"UP go UP fight UP win this fight!"

Hi - yuuuum fried chicken ♥
Lo - crumble Ateneo

By personal definition, the Megaman/Rockman series aren't RPGs. Sure, it is a game where you play a role... but that's not totally it. It's more Action-Adventure than RPG. Eitherway, I still love it (up to until Megaman 6, cause I felt that they were pushing it too much. but that's a different story).

Why bring this up, you ask? For one thing, it's a huge part of my childhood haha, and for another thing, it uses the concept of a midboss a whole lot. What's a midboss, you might ask? Well, it's a... boss... in the middle of the stage. In every stage in every edition of Megaman there's a real strong robot that a) you have to beat to reach the real boss, b) gives you an idea of how strong the boss of the stage is, and c) challenging but won't reward you anything. A lot of midbosses are easy, but some are downright frustrating. I mean, there are a lotthat you just beat easily, but there are a few that beats you up so much that you won't have enough lives to reach the real boss... who'll also beat the crap out of you. However freakishly easy or hard the midboss is, you still have to beat it to get on with the stage. They're there to test you, to see if you can handle the real boss. If you can't handle the midboss, then you'd probably have difficulty with the real one. On the flipside, even though the midboss might be a walk in the park, that won't mean that the real boss will be. Like I said, the midboss is a neccessary roadblock, to make you stop, think and examine yourself.

Out there, we also have midbosses. Only we call them midterms (wow that's so witty...). They aren't the finals, but we need to take them. For one, they're required. But more importantly, they're there to see if you're learning anything. They're a test (a real big one) to see if you can handle to real heavy stuff. If you bomb it, it's not the end of the world, but you need to recover. And fast. If you ace it, good for you. But that won't guaratee an ace in the finals. My point is, the midterms may be a hassle, but it's a neccessary hassle. You won't gain a whole lot if you ace it, but it's better to do well in it than catch up in the finals.

As for me... well, I guess I don't need to do any catching up, just need to make sure that I beat Sigma's ass (or whichever boss you prefer. I just so love beating up Sigma over and over and over XD)


Raein said...

Dude! di ako masyadong makaconnect sa post na toH! XD mjo sort of parang rpg kaya xa. *kulit* lol~

Migs said...

.. oo nga.. pero hindi... pero oo...
lol, dude XD