Sunday, July 30, 2006

Looking From 1 - 100

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan... baka nawawala na"

Hi - Coldsnap!
Lo - crumble ang UP ):

To commemorate one year of Blogging, it's just proper to look back at the year that was.

I started blogging in 4th year High. I used Blogger just because of the simple reason that it was the one used for our class blog/website. I began to blog as a way of dealing with life - to rant \ relieve stress \ journal my life, or at least keep track of what I do. I tried to post every few days, once a day even, but lately I post around once in 2-3 weeks since I also have an LJ. So, I post my daily stuff in the LJ, and post my mushy/deep/long thoughts/reflections here. And yeah, that RPG-is-life thingy too.

So, the past year. That was my 4th year High, if ya don't know. Full of sleepiness, light days, CAT, cramming \ resisting to cram and owning. High hopes to finish strong, to do things never done before, to change. At least, a very dream-filled year for me (asleep or otherwise XD), where in the end... choke. Senioritis as the call it. At the time when I was almost at the peak, I tripped, fell and just barely survived (survival is relative). So afterwards... it was flat. Not bitter, just disappointed. And so, with that chapter over, I wanted to start anew. There would be a better me in college.

If things went in their "normal" way, I would've been in the Ateneo. Take Psych, still be with Aboys but also with new people, be in a familiar territory with familiar faces and places. And so on. It was set... but something happened. Something called UP and the Oblation Scholarship. When the UP results was it wasn't a shock. I would still be going to the Ateneo, I said, since nothing really was pulling me the other way. Right. A few days later, Alvin was the first to tell me those three words: Oblation Scholar ka. Waaaah! There, there's the push. Destiny called, and who am I to ignore it. And so, after some internal debate, I landed here. UP Diliman Psych. Like the Pagsi said: Chances, Challenges, Choices, Changes. Things I now tackle on a daily basis.

Summer was... well, summer. Arnis training + errands + lotsa rest.

Now... well, now I'm alright. Like I said, I'm fine here in the UP. It feels a little more homey than when I came in. And, I've learned a lot from the HS, the Ateneo. Not just the acads, but values, character. The Ateneo has prepared me enough, methinks. Especially 4th year. Teamwork, friendships, giving every dam bit of myself. I also learn from my mistakes: being more open, less reclusive. Take more risks, and live a bit more. And yes, to own. To pwn, to magis.

For the future... well, that's another story for another long post. Till then,
Ad Astra Per Aspera

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And yes, to own. To pwn, to magis.

I like this line.