Saturday, May 05, 2007

Chapter 14: The plus

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

Hi - Psych Basketball!
Lo - bano ko na naman :|

After beating the last boss in most RPGs, you would most likely just watch the ending cinematics then skip the credits part. The game's done, anyways, so why not bust out another one? Well, for most games. Some, like Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve 2, make you stay through the whole ending so that you could save the game. Saving the game... at the end? You see, they have a thing they call the "New Game +". You get to start from the top, but with bonuses. You start with the items you had when you finished it the first time, you get some extra points, you get to do things that you couldn't have done the first time around (Like getting a way to get to a hidden final boss to produce the hidden ending). You get to start from the top, but this time you have the biggest advantage you could get - experience. You already know what the game has in store, and you are prepared for it. And on the way, you could get what you missed the first time. You could have the perfect game.

It's been more than a year since I first stepped on UP. It's been more than a year since I first started this series. And in that year, I've faced numerous exams, projects and tests. I've tackled tons of assignments and groupworks and I've had my share of good profs and bad profs. I've worked hard for my org, and I still do. But most importantly, i've finished one year in UP, of which I'm thankful for (and I still have that scholarship!). Now, I'm gonna do it all over again. More tests, more work, more profs, more org/psych stuff. I have another year improve on it, to get better, to smoothen out some kinks. But instead of starting from scratch, I have experience. The ultimate advantage. And I plan to use it. And why not? The worse I can get is to finish where I started. New school year, new life. It starts here. Again.

So like last time, I begin my journey. I know it still won't be easy, but it's still worth it. I know it is. You with me? Let's go, they're waiting.

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