Wednesday, August 01, 2007

In Commemoration

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"It is not a celebration of the day of birth, it is a celebration of the event of being born"

And so, I dub August 1 as the celebration of the birth of Losman's World

Cheers! For two awesome years together, and more to come

... probably not as awesome. Coolness on a different level. Watch out for it

But for now... I'm so proud of my baby. 3 years and still running! Not real strong, but running still :)
Good job!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Chapter 14: The plus

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

Hi - Psych Basketball!
Lo - bano ko na naman :|

After beating the last boss in most RPGs, you would most likely just watch the ending cinematics then skip the credits part. The game's done, anyways, so why not bust out another one? Well, for most games. Some, like Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve 2, make you stay through the whole ending so that you could save the game. Saving the game... at the end? You see, they have a thing they call the "New Game +". You get to start from the top, but with bonuses. You start with the items you had when you finished it the first time, you get some extra points, you get to do things that you couldn't have done the first time around (Like getting a way to get to a hidden final boss to produce the hidden ending). You get to start from the top, but this time you have the biggest advantage you could get - experience. You already know what the game has in store, and you are prepared for it. And on the way, you could get what you missed the first time. You could have the perfect game.

It's been more than a year since I first stepped on UP. It's been more than a year since I first started this series. And in that year, I've faced numerous exams, projects and tests. I've tackled tons of assignments and groupworks and I've had my share of good profs and bad profs. I've worked hard for my org, and I still do. But most importantly, i've finished one year in UP, of which I'm thankful for (and I still have that scholarship!). Now, I'm gonna do it all over again. More tests, more work, more profs, more org/psych stuff. I have another year improve on it, to get better, to smoothen out some kinks. But instead of starting from scratch, I have experience. The ultimate advantage. And I plan to use it. And why not? The worse I can get is to finish where I started. New school year, new life. It starts here. Again.

So like last time, I begin my journey. I know it still won't be easy, but it's still worth it. I know it is. You with me? Let's go, they're waiting.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Chapter 13: The End?

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Parked car, this night sky, makes city lights shine like diamonds"

Hi - Ha Yuan lunch. mmmmm...
Lo - mainit na. crap...

After the final boss, the last attack, the ultimate spell, the finishing move, it is all over. Time to relax. Time to watch the last fmv, to close the story, to see the ending. To see if things did work out. Did you beat the bad guy? Did you save the world? Did you get the girl? Most probably yes. Well, most stories have happy endings, you know. So after the credits, what now? Some would most probably rest a while. Others would immediately pick up a game. A few would even wait until the final moment before shutting down the console, because some easter egg or hidden scene is left the the very end of the fmv. There might be a chance to save your game so that you get a whole lot of stuff for your "New Game +". Well, whatever it is, you just have to move on.

That leaves us... what now? After that friggin finals, hassle term paper, frustrating group project, what now? One word - SUMMER. Time to relax, go to the beach, watch tv, sleep all day and eat during your waking hours. Or whatever gets you through. But before you do, stop for a while. Did the year/term/sem work out for you? Did you get the grades that you wanted? Did you learn anything? Hopefully. Most stories have happy endings. If your's didn't... well, there's always the sequel. Or the next game. Or "New Game +". As for now, enjoy it. You just finished one heck of a year, that's enough to be proud about. There's always next year, next sem, but right now... there's summer. Whether it be summer vacation or summer classes, enjoy it. It's just another adventure waiting.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. You've earned it.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Chaper 12: The Last Push

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Hardwork pays off"

Hi - KOBE!!!
Lo - Bio test. x.x

The final battle. The battle you've been preparing for the whole game. It's the reason you got the ultima swords, the aegis shields, the omnislashes and the ultimate skills and spells. The reason why you went through all the trouble of beating all the hidden bosses and finished all the secret sidequests. The reason why you beat all those dragons and cactuars to get to lvl99, with 9999(9)hp and 999(9)mp. The end of it all. And usually, you don't just face one big monster. You go through a number of mini-bosses, or a probably just a whole lot of monsters. Just like in FF6, where you have to face around 3 bad-ass bosses before you get a crack at Kefka himself. They're there to test to you, to see if you're really worthy and capable of finishing it all. And hey, that's why you spent hours upon hours preparing, hunting, getting ready to kick ass.

Just like hell week. The name says it all. Hell - so freaking stressful. Week - so freaking long. Days upon days of sleepless nights and caffiene filled days. The final battle of every sem. The reason for all the library work, the problem solving, the group discussions. Not exactly the thing we've been waiting for, but rather it's the one we never lose sight of. Hell week is the ultimate test of whether or not we deserve to pass. We're given wave upon wave of requirements and tests, from harmless homework to reaction papers, from 5pt quizzes to 100pt tests. That's excluding the finals, the main event. They don't care if we do well or not, they just give it to us. But we care, and we take everything in. That's why we spent all those hours locked up in the room, finishing reading upon reading, theory upon theory, problem upon. Preparing, waiting, getting ready to kick ass.

They dare doubt that we can make it? They dare doubt that we can't take them on? Come on, time for some big time ass kickin. Let's finish this.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chapter 11: Turning Point

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Some men have greatness thrust in them. Others are thrust to greatness"

Hi - Planar Chaos! 8DDDDD
Lo - 3-5 boo...

How did would you feel if, out of nowhere, some guy tells you that you're the key to saving the world? Whoaaa... Like when Terra was told that she was destined to be the missing key for world peace. Or when Cloud turned from goat to G.O.A.T. Or when Sora was given the keyblade and told to go save the world. He's a kid! And they expect him to be some superherosavior guy! And what did he do? Well... he saved the world. Well, not quite, but he stepped it up big time. Sure he might have felt overwhelmed and scared and all, but he overcame all that. He didn't let his faults and emotions get the better of him. He focused, he stepped it up, he beat big bad Maleficent, Ansem and even Sepiroth and was memorable enough to get into a sequel.

Stepping up. Such a short phrase, but carries a whole lot of weight. It means to improve one's self, to rise to the occasion, to go to the next level. But, what triggers someone to turn from roleplayer to superstar in a snap? A challenge. A time when those around you turn to you for an answer. A chance to prove yourself. There comes a time... or times... in your life that you are pushed, you are tested. What would you do? When you are put in that situation, you either back out or take it on. Head on. You give it everything you've got because you know that there's no other way. You'd rather die than let yourself fail. Your pride won't let you fail, because that just plain sucks.

Come on. Rise up, take the challenge, save the world and get the girl. They're waiting.