Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chapter 6: Respite

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"

Hi - Basket!
Lo - supressing emo-ness XD

One of the parts I hate in an RPG is when you have a huge gap between save points. Not that you have to finish a gauntlet of bosses just to be able to save your game (that's another story). It's either a) the physical distance between saves is really huge, like in the 1st part of FF3, b) you have to do a whole lot of tasks just to reach the next save, like... somewhere in FF10 where you need to solve some puzzles involving conveyorbelts and stones or c) there's a whole lot of FMVs in between, like in the start of Valkeryie Profile (now THAT's a real long starting sequence). I hate those since they give little or no space to rest. Sure you can pause the game, but only for so long. You have to force yourself to push on and play, no matter how tired or bored you are. If you get killed, or if something bad happens, you'd be force to start all over again. But, once you reach that oh-so-lovely save point, all the stress get relieved. You now have the luxury to rest, be refreshed, and remove the jaded-ness that playing has given you. Sooner or later, you're bound to pick up the controller and get on with it.

One of the things I also hate is when I don't get any time to rest. Not that it's hell week (that's another story), it's just that there's so much things to do, and stuff going on. Never-ending schoolwork, group works, projects and the usual study load. Add the social life factor in, and you have a very busy guy. With so much going on, I'm surprised that I soldier on, and just keep going. Well, if I gave up then I'd be dead, figuratively or literally. When you give up now, it's game over, and you'd have to start all over again... if you'd still be given a chance. And hey, once you get everything overwith, and you get some breathing space, enjoy it, cherish it, maximize it. Rest, get refreshed, get everything in order, cause whether you like it or not, life's gonna pick you up and nudge you to get on with it.

Who am I to resist a little R&R? I need it. But I won't overdo it. You think I'd stop living this amazing game called life?

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"The only thing constant is change"

Hi - 12hr sleep. yeah
Lo - not being productive. demet ><

Almost every Aboy I've talked to, especially Arjay, would say that college has changed people. Some have become more outgoing (me XD), more studious (alvin or friend. I haven't seen friend in a while...), more... socially active (pabis bading). Some might have even found ♥ (nikko kekeke). You might say some bloomed, while some grew in ways never imagined possible for them. In one way or another, college life and everything that comes with it has affected us in every possible way.

What's made me wonder is that... why did we change? What is it in college that has affected us? The girls (geo)? The freedom (JB)? The I-can-do-what-i've-always-wanted-to-do (yummul)? Or is it a dash of everything? I mean, college has a dash of everything. You can't pinpoint what made us into someone else. Experimentally speaking, there's too much variables involved. Or maybe... it's not college after all. It could be that we're just maturing, we're peaking. Or at least learning. After all, we've been through a whole lot of experiences, as a group or individually. And, most of us are 18, or at least pushing 18. We ain't kids anymore.

Point is, we change. Change is inevitable. It doesn't matter when or why. What matters is how, how we've changed. Did you change for better or for worse? Did you become a Super You, or a Loser You? Did you learn to sing, to dance, to talk, to stalk, to get out of your shell, to cower back into a tighter shell, to be a loner? Do you like what you've become, or becoming? If yes, then good. If not, then do something. Change is inevitable, but it's not a one shot deal. It's ongoing, it's forever.

As for me... I ain't done yet.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Chapter 5: Level Up!

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Happy Ber Day!"

Hi - Coke bottles falling sabay sabay rofl!
Lo - moody :|

When we were kids, Gabo and I'd joke that whenever we'd level up on our bday's, just like in RPGs. Leveling up is such an integral part of an RPG. Imagine an RPG without anyway to improve yourself. No 9999 hp, no ultima, no omnislash or mirror slice. Well, you can finish it, yes. But that would be... plain. It'd be so repetitive since a)you have nothing new to do and b)the enemies also won't get stronger, since there'd come a point that they'd be unbeatable. Leveling-up means growth, means that your getting... faster higher stronger? Yeah, but growth meaning you're learning, you're getting better and better, and you can deal with harder and harder stuff. Given that (almost) all games get harder and harder as you go on, it's an advantage for you if you keep up. Whatever the game throws at you, you'll be good enough to handle it. If you can't, it's a simple matter of going out and leveling up, until you reach the point when you could continue, and beat that boss's ass... which is another story XD

Same as life. As you grow older, you take on new things. Harder things, things that you could not have handled at an earlier age. Growing-up is probably the most vital thing in our lives. If we don't grow up, it means that we haven't learned anything, or don't realize that we need to grow up. Or to mature. Or to adapt at least. By growing up, we prepare ourselves for whatever life throws our way. Of course, life won't throw us something we can't handle. Life gives us problems based on what we can do, and we're expected to handle them. If you can't... then you need learn and grow some more.

Well, I'm 18 now. Can I handle everything? Well... no. But at least I've handled most of the stuff on the way XD lvl 18 baby! Can't stop me!