Friday, March 23, 2007

Chaper 12: The Last Push

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Hardwork pays off"

Hi - KOBE!!!
Lo - Bio test. x.x

The final battle. The battle you've been preparing for the whole game. It's the reason you got the ultima swords, the aegis shields, the omnislashes and the ultimate skills and spells. The reason why you went through all the trouble of beating all the hidden bosses and finished all the secret sidequests. The reason why you beat all those dragons and cactuars to get to lvl99, with 9999(9)hp and 999(9)mp. The end of it all. And usually, you don't just face one big monster. You go through a number of mini-bosses, or a probably just a whole lot of monsters. Just like in FF6, where you have to face around 3 bad-ass bosses before you get a crack at Kefka himself. They're there to test to you, to see if you're really worthy and capable of finishing it all. And hey, that's why you spent hours upon hours preparing, hunting, getting ready to kick ass.

Just like hell week. The name says it all. Hell - so freaking stressful. Week - so freaking long. Days upon days of sleepless nights and caffiene filled days. The final battle of every sem. The reason for all the library work, the problem solving, the group discussions. Not exactly the thing we've been waiting for, but rather it's the one we never lose sight of. Hell week is the ultimate test of whether or not we deserve to pass. We're given wave upon wave of requirements and tests, from harmless homework to reaction papers, from 5pt quizzes to 100pt tests. That's excluding the finals, the main event. They don't care if we do well or not, they just give it to us. But we care, and we take everything in. That's why we spent all those hours locked up in the room, finishing reading upon reading, theory upon theory, problem upon. Preparing, waiting, getting ready to kick ass.

They dare doubt that we can make it? They dare doubt that we can't take them on? Come on, time for some big time ass kickin. Let's finish this.


Raein said...

wahahaha. good luck sa exams.

Raein said...

hoy! mgupdate update ka jan!