Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chapter 11: Turning Point

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Some men have greatness thrust in them. Others are thrust to greatness"

Hi - Planar Chaos! 8DDDDD
Lo - 3-5 boo...

How did would you feel if, out of nowhere, some guy tells you that you're the key to saving the world? Whoaaa... Like when Terra was told that she was destined to be the missing key for world peace. Or when Cloud turned from goat to G.O.A.T. Or when Sora was given the keyblade and told to go save the world. He's a kid! And they expect him to be some superherosavior guy! And what did he do? Well... he saved the world. Well, not quite, but he stepped it up big time. Sure he might have felt overwhelmed and scared and all, but he overcame all that. He didn't let his faults and emotions get the better of him. He focused, he stepped it up, he beat big bad Maleficent, Ansem and even Sepiroth and was memorable enough to get into a sequel.

Stepping up. Such a short phrase, but carries a whole lot of weight. It means to improve one's self, to rise to the occasion, to go to the next level. But, what triggers someone to turn from roleplayer to superstar in a snap? A challenge. A time when those around you turn to you for an answer. A chance to prove yourself. There comes a time... or times... in your life that you are pushed, you are tested. What would you do? When you are put in that situation, you either back out or take it on. Head on. You give it everything you've got because you know that there's no other way. You'd rather die than let yourself fail. Your pride won't let you fail, because that just plain sucks.

Come on. Rise up, take the challenge, save the world and get the girl. They're waiting.