Monday, November 27, 2006

Chapter 10: Where to?

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Just help me right my wrongs, but it's funny how these wrongs helped me write this song "

Hi - foodtrip lastnight and today
Lo - Murphy's Law

I hate it when I get stuck. Not the under-levelled-and-can't-beat-boss stuck. The one where you don't know what to do. No idea where to go, what to do, who to talk to. Like in Wild Arms, where I've never gotten past the part where your character gets jailed. Or in Chrono Trigger, where every move (or lack of movement) would make or break the game (the ending at least). Or whether to get Claude or Rena in Star Ocean (beeeh Balma, kilala ko sila XD), which really makes a huge difference. To get through, you could a) get a walkthrough and get it over with or b) just play and hopefully something gets done. However, how would you know if you're doing the right thing, making the right decisions? Simple - if a) you're not dead and b) you're getting somewhere. I don't know how you determine the latter, but I'm sure you know how to avoid the former.

In life, making decisions is just as frustrating. Most of the time, you don't know what to do. And when you do know what to do, you might not be sure that what you're doing is the right thing. Are the things that you do right now the right things, things that would lead you closer to the best ending? Are you missing some things that might help you get through life? Are you enjoying what you're doing? Well, I don't really know how to determine the right way and the wrong way. But just like in RPGs, you could a) ask for help, or b) do it on your own. Either way, you just go on with your life. Chances are, you're on the right track. Or close to it. If not, just don't give up. You can't finish the game if it's Game Over.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Chapter 9: Timeout

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Dear Kim,Kamustang bakasyon mo?
Ako heto pa rin nababato"

Hi - Eastwood. movie.
Lo - bagal ng net :|

The mark of a good RPG for me is when it still has time for good mini-games. I SO love mini-games. More than half my playing time is in mini-games. From cards to gummi ships to elaborate strategy games, it's just so nice to have a healthy distraction midgame. It relaxes you from the stresses of boss battles and item hunting. Sure, you stop levelling up a bit, but you also get to get your mind off the game. If you play to win too much, the game becomes less fun and more of a chore. Once in a while, it's nice to forget about the game, forget about that elusive secret weapon or unbeatable boss. Sit back, relax, and let Tidus shoot some half-court goals XD

This is it. Sembreak. The only time of the year where one can really sit back, relax and forget about everything. No math, no foreign lang, no chem or majors (yet), no nothing. Just fun. It's a healthy and much needed respite from all the stresses of the past sem. Sure, you aren't studying, learning in school and preparing for the next sem... but who cares? We have a sembreak to get our minds out off academics. If you study too much, it becomes less fullfilling and more boring. Once in a while, it's nice to forget about school, forget about that elusive uno/4 or whatever goal you're chasing. So sit back and relax. Get lots of sleep, go out for a drink or a movie, play some basketball, Dota or Counterstrike or whatever. I know you want to.

I know I do :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Chapter 8: Insert Disc 2

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Like VC said, It's over"

Hi - tapos na, period
Lo - boooored :|

In the "old" days of the PS1 (and not the slim, portable one. the fat grey one), most RPGs came in more than one CD. FF7 to 9 came in 3 or 4 discs, Xenogears came in 2 discs, and even Parasite Eve (not exactly an RPG, but one of my fave games) came in a double-disc. Because of this, the story had to be cut, or interrupted, at one point. You could usually sense when you'd need to change the CD, but it was usually a "bitin" feeling. A mix of "...That's it?" and "Awww... It's over..." and "I'm excited!" It's a feeling of acomplishment and anticipation. You're happy that one CD is over, and bracing yourself for the next part. However, unless you're making a speed record, it's also a time to stop and rest a bit. You think of the things you've done, the things you've missed (and might not get back. booo), and the things that's about to be done. But for now, save the game, stand up, stretch a bit and rest your eyes. You've earned it.

In the "old" days of Grade School and High School, finishing a quarter/term wasn't really a big thing. It's just one big roadblock, because just a few days after that, it's work again. There's not much feeling of accomplishment, since... I dunno... It's not as emotional as a college sem. A HS term is not as draining, stressful and emotional as a college sem, I'd think most of us agrees. And as such, the time after the finals is such a... happy experience. Goodbye to the friggin profs and memorable classmates. Hello 3/4 week sembreak! But for now, it's a time to think. Think of what I've done the past sem, what I didn't do (and still want to do), and what I'm gonna do the next sem. Finishing a sem is something to be proud about, but it's not something to be overly fullfilled about. Still got a long ways to go. But for now, store your books somewhere, forget about acads, go out, and rest a bit. We've earned it.

Excited about the sembreak, excited about next sem, excited about college.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Chapter 7: Showtime

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"I hope my feet don't fail me now"

Hi - sleeeeeeeep. mmmm...
Lo - headache. argh...

Wow. It's been a long time since my last post. Soreh! :)

Anyways, one of the most exciting parts in an RPG is the boss battle. From the first boss to the final boss to the hidden boss, it's always a special feeling. It's a mixture of "I'ma beat yo ass!" and "Oh my... what if I lose?..." All those hours of leveling up, getting the right equipment, learning the right skills and stocking up the right potions get tested. You get to see if what you've done the past few hours will pay off. You either go all out, or you fail. Give it your all, or get screwed. Either way, you can't go around it. For the game to continue, you have to beat the boss. So, check your level, check your items, say a little prayer, and jump right in. I'm sure you've levelled up enough, right? Right?

From grade school, to high school and here in college, taking the exams/finals are always... special. It's not something you really get excited over, but you look forward to it. You prepare for it, study long for it, and make sure that you won't get screwed by it. Did I get my facts straight? Did I memorize my formulas enough? Do I have enough essay ideas? Prepared or not, there's no going around the finals (well, unless you're exempted. That's a different story). You pass, or you fail. Either way, you give it your all. For your schooling to continue, you have to pass. You have to own it. So, you check your facts, check your formulas, say a little prayer, and jump right in. Finals, here I come.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chapter 6: Respite

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"

Hi - Basket!
Lo - supressing emo-ness XD

One of the parts I hate in an RPG is when you have a huge gap between save points. Not that you have to finish a gauntlet of bosses just to be able to save your game (that's another story). It's either a) the physical distance between saves is really huge, like in the 1st part of FF3, b) you have to do a whole lot of tasks just to reach the next save, like... somewhere in FF10 where you need to solve some puzzles involving conveyorbelts and stones or c) there's a whole lot of FMVs in between, like in the start of Valkeryie Profile (now THAT's a real long starting sequence). I hate those since they give little or no space to rest. Sure you can pause the game, but only for so long. You have to force yourself to push on and play, no matter how tired or bored you are. If you get killed, or if something bad happens, you'd be force to start all over again. But, once you reach that oh-so-lovely save point, all the stress get relieved. You now have the luxury to rest, be refreshed, and remove the jaded-ness that playing has given you. Sooner or later, you're bound to pick up the controller and get on with it.

One of the things I also hate is when I don't get any time to rest. Not that it's hell week (that's another story), it's just that there's so much things to do, and stuff going on. Never-ending schoolwork, group works, projects and the usual study load. Add the social life factor in, and you have a very busy guy. With so much going on, I'm surprised that I soldier on, and just keep going. Well, if I gave up then I'd be dead, figuratively or literally. When you give up now, it's game over, and you'd have to start all over again... if you'd still be given a chance. And hey, once you get everything overwith, and you get some breathing space, enjoy it, cherish it, maximize it. Rest, get refreshed, get everything in order, cause whether you like it or not, life's gonna pick you up and nudge you to get on with it.

Who am I to resist a little R&R? I need it. But I won't overdo it. You think I'd stop living this amazing game called life?

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"The only thing constant is change"

Hi - 12hr sleep. yeah
Lo - not being productive. demet ><

Almost every Aboy I've talked to, especially Arjay, would say that college has changed people. Some have become more outgoing (me XD), more studious (alvin or friend. I haven't seen friend in a while...), more... socially active (pabis bading). Some might have even found ♥ (nikko kekeke). You might say some bloomed, while some grew in ways never imagined possible for them. In one way or another, college life and everything that comes with it has affected us in every possible way.

What's made me wonder is that... why did we change? What is it in college that has affected us? The girls (geo)? The freedom (JB)? The I-can-do-what-i've-always-wanted-to-do (yummul)? Or is it a dash of everything? I mean, college has a dash of everything. You can't pinpoint what made us into someone else. Experimentally speaking, there's too much variables involved. Or maybe... it's not college after all. It could be that we're just maturing, we're peaking. Or at least learning. After all, we've been through a whole lot of experiences, as a group or individually. And, most of us are 18, or at least pushing 18. We ain't kids anymore.

Point is, we change. Change is inevitable. It doesn't matter when or why. What matters is how, how we've changed. Did you change for better or for worse? Did you become a Super You, or a Loser You? Did you learn to sing, to dance, to talk, to stalk, to get out of your shell, to cower back into a tighter shell, to be a loner? Do you like what you've become, or becoming? If yes, then good. If not, then do something. Change is inevitable, but it's not a one shot deal. It's ongoing, it's forever.

As for me... I ain't done yet.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Chapter 5: Level Up!

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Happy Ber Day!"

Hi - Coke bottles falling sabay sabay rofl!
Lo - moody :|

When we were kids, Gabo and I'd joke that whenever we'd level up on our bday's, just like in RPGs. Leveling up is such an integral part of an RPG. Imagine an RPG without anyway to improve yourself. No 9999 hp, no ultima, no omnislash or mirror slice. Well, you can finish it, yes. But that would be... plain. It'd be so repetitive since a)you have nothing new to do and b)the enemies also won't get stronger, since there'd come a point that they'd be unbeatable. Leveling-up means growth, means that your getting... faster higher stronger? Yeah, but growth meaning you're learning, you're getting better and better, and you can deal with harder and harder stuff. Given that (almost) all games get harder and harder as you go on, it's an advantage for you if you keep up. Whatever the game throws at you, you'll be good enough to handle it. If you can't, it's a simple matter of going out and leveling up, until you reach the point when you could continue, and beat that boss's ass... which is another story XD

Same as life. As you grow older, you take on new things. Harder things, things that you could not have handled at an earlier age. Growing-up is probably the most vital thing in our lives. If we don't grow up, it means that we haven't learned anything, or don't realize that we need to grow up. Or to mature. Or to adapt at least. By growing up, we prepare ourselves for whatever life throws our way. Of course, life won't throw us something we can't handle. Life gives us problems based on what we can do, and we're expected to handle them. If you can't... then you need learn and grow some more.

Well, I'm 18 now. Can I handle everything? Well... no. But at least I've handled most of the stuff on the way XD lvl 18 baby! Can't stop me!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chapter 4: The MidBoss

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"UP go UP fight UP win this fight!"

Hi - yuuuum fried chicken ♥
Lo - crumble Ateneo

By personal definition, the Megaman/Rockman series aren't RPGs. Sure, it is a game where you play a role... but that's not totally it. It's more Action-Adventure than RPG. Eitherway, I still love it (up to until Megaman 6, cause I felt that they were pushing it too much. but that's a different story).

Why bring this up, you ask? For one thing, it's a huge part of my childhood haha, and for another thing, it uses the concept of a midboss a whole lot. What's a midboss, you might ask? Well, it's a... boss... in the middle of the stage. In every stage in every edition of Megaman there's a real strong robot that a) you have to beat to reach the real boss, b) gives you an idea of how strong the boss of the stage is, and c) challenging but won't reward you anything. A lot of midbosses are easy, but some are downright frustrating. I mean, there are a lotthat you just beat easily, but there are a few that beats you up so much that you won't have enough lives to reach the real boss... who'll also beat the crap out of you. However freakishly easy or hard the midboss is, you still have to beat it to get on with the stage. They're there to test you, to see if you can handle the real boss. If you can't handle the midboss, then you'd probably have difficulty with the real one. On the flipside, even though the midboss might be a walk in the park, that won't mean that the real boss will be. Like I said, the midboss is a neccessary roadblock, to make you stop, think and examine yourself.

Out there, we also have midbosses. Only we call them midterms (wow that's so witty...). They aren't the finals, but we need to take them. For one, they're required. But more importantly, they're there to see if you're learning anything. They're a test (a real big one) to see if you can handle to real heavy stuff. If you bomb it, it's not the end of the world, but you need to recover. And fast. If you ace it, good for you. But that won't guaratee an ace in the finals. My point is, the midterms may be a hassle, but it's a neccessary hassle. You won't gain a whole lot if you ace it, but it's better to do well in it than catch up in the finals.

As for me... well, I guess I don't need to do any catching up, just need to make sure that I beat Sigma's ass (or whichever boss you prefer. I just so love beating up Sigma over and over and over XD)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Looking From 1 - 100

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan... baka nawawala na"

Hi - Coldsnap!
Lo - crumble ang UP ):

To commemorate one year of Blogging, it's just proper to look back at the year that was.

I started blogging in 4th year High. I used Blogger just because of the simple reason that it was the one used for our class blog/website. I began to blog as a way of dealing with life - to rant \ relieve stress \ journal my life, or at least keep track of what I do. I tried to post every few days, once a day even, but lately I post around once in 2-3 weeks since I also have an LJ. So, I post my daily stuff in the LJ, and post my mushy/deep/long thoughts/reflections here. And yeah, that RPG-is-life thingy too.

So, the past year. That was my 4th year High, if ya don't know. Full of sleepiness, light days, CAT, cramming \ resisting to cram and owning. High hopes to finish strong, to do things never done before, to change. At least, a very dream-filled year for me (asleep or otherwise XD), where in the end... choke. Senioritis as the call it. At the time when I was almost at the peak, I tripped, fell and just barely survived (survival is relative). So afterwards... it was flat. Not bitter, just disappointed. And so, with that chapter over, I wanted to start anew. There would be a better me in college.

If things went in their "normal" way, I would've been in the Ateneo. Take Psych, still be with Aboys but also with new people, be in a familiar territory with familiar faces and places. And so on. It was set... but something happened. Something called UP and the Oblation Scholarship. When the UP results was it wasn't a shock. I would still be going to the Ateneo, I said, since nothing really was pulling me the other way. Right. A few days later, Alvin was the first to tell me those three words: Oblation Scholar ka. Waaaah! There, there's the push. Destiny called, and who am I to ignore it. And so, after some internal debate, I landed here. UP Diliman Psych. Like the Pagsi said: Chances, Challenges, Choices, Changes. Things I now tackle on a daily basis.

Summer was... well, summer. Arnis training + errands + lotsa rest.

Now... well, now I'm alright. Like I said, I'm fine here in the UP. It feels a little more homey than when I came in. And, I've learned a lot from the HS, the Ateneo. Not just the acads, but values, character. The Ateneo has prepared me enough, methinks. Especially 4th year. Teamwork, friendships, giving every dam bit of myself. I also learn from my mistakes: being more open, less reclusive. Take more risks, and live a bit more. And yes, to own. To pwn, to magis.

For the future... well, that's another story for another long post. Till then,
Ad Astra Per Aspera

Saturday, July 29, 2006

- interruption -

1 year na pala etong Blog ko! at hindi ko man lang namalayan?!?
dash bad...

happy 1 year Losman's World!
thanks for keeping me company for the past year, and for the 100 posts we've had together

sana magkatiyaga akong ituloy to for more (years?) posts, and to maintain that RPG thingy

iBlog, and iSane

labs ya!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Chapter 3: The Forced Fall

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Wag mong hanapin ang sarap ng donut sa butas nito. Kasi kapag dinilaan mo yung butas para hanapin yung sarap... weird yun"

Hi - nakatapos ako ng sudoku!
Lo - one-man tambay sa pugad lol

Pinakanaasar na part ko sa RPG yung battle na talagang matatalo ka. Lalo na sa start, yung feeling mo kaya mong tiyagain lahat ng bwisit na halimaw at boss, then may darating na boss na mahirap patayin, pero kaya, pero talagang matatalo ka... pero ndi pa rin game over. Pinaka-memorable kong ganito sa FF3 (or 6, sa mga ndi nakaabot nito sa SNES), unang encounter kay kefka (or kay chupon ata) Normal yung start ng battle... until mapaabot mo sya sa certain HP... then sa next turn nya, may cheat-code-attack siya na deds kayo lahat! Well, tuloy yung story, kasi scripted na matatalo talaga kayo. Kaya lang... wala, asar lang. Bakit kelangan mong matalo? Eh pano kung ikaw yung manalo sa battle na yun?

Once in a while, we need to crash to Earth. Either to a) get a taste of reality or b) gauge how much work you need to put in. Either ways, it is a reality that we fail once in a while. Like me, sabog yung 1st math at soc sci exam ko. I crashed to earth, got a slap on the cheek saying "tsong, gising. ndi ka imortal pare ko" and got a gauge of how much I need to do to carry on. Pero, game over na ba? No, definetly not. Tuloy ang laban, tuloy ang buhay. I crashed to Earth to remember na nasa Earth pa rin pala ako, na marami pa kong gagawin. And of course, kelangan bumawi sa fall na yun XD

Pero... pano nga kung nanalo ka sa laban na expected na talo ka (like sora vs squall sa KH1)? Edi ayus, one-up ka kagad. Pero balang araw, babagsak ka rin. Buti nang controlled yung crash, than freak accident na baka maospital ka. Figuratively and/or literally.

Controlled Fall. Just like pro wrestling.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

History is such a prick

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:

Hi - psych 101 orientation. and then some XD
Lo - binagyo sa Casaa at Phan ><

I was at the Ateneo a few weeks ago to pickup another copy nung A2k6 dvd from Gab(by). Get and alis lang dapat... kaya lang kakatamad pa bumalik, so tambay muna with him. Tambay meaning wait for a class to end for him to get his beloved admu planner inside the room XD. So pagkakuha niya, lunch date naman kami (may isa kasi dyan whom I will not name pero will malamang comment on this XD na "nasa lib daw" at ndi makakasama... joke XD) So, we Wok Dis Way ng mga 1230 na. Yuuuum sisig... oh wait, may class pa nga pala ako ng 1. oh well XD late ng 50 mins (ndi na lang ko nag-cut, noh? XD) buti na lang kebs lang kay prof Vryan XDDD

I was real amused with Gab(by) "Don't you dare drag me to the HS. Baaad memories... It's not Gab anymore. It's Gabby. The high school Gab's dead, and the new college Gabby's here." (no, not really. but sumthing to that effect XD) What's in a name? Does a simple name change also include a drastic life(stlye) change? And, can you really kill your past?

Hindi ba sad yun? You kill your past, you purge every memory, you forget everything. All you have is a new slate and an empty self. I mean, isn't your past integral to who you are? Your past made you who you are, regardless of how good or bad it was, or how good or bad you are right now. The challenge here is how to move on, how to settle our past peacefully and not make it a burden.

I also have a lot of bad... stuff in the past, and a lot of stuff that I haven't resolved. But they don't stop me from living. They push me to live a little more.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Chapter 2 - Honeymoon's Over

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Cherish your brief signing moment!"

Hi - Gaboooooooooooooooo!!!
Lo - Bad stomach. Baaaad stomach ><

In continuing with the RPG theme (siryoso ako dun! wala kasi akong natapos na RPG yung summer eh XD), may time dun na just after the starting-and-getting-to-get-the-hang part. Yung after nung napakadaling battles at medyo easy boss. Yung may new party member ka na at aalis kayo dun sa starting town para a) maglibot more at b) ituloy na yung story. Eto yung part na... medyo asar kasi a) ndi na siya ganun kadali, b) malay mo kung bigla kang may makalaban na mini-boss pala at upakan ka, c) ndi mo pa gets yung story at d) well, wala pang big thing na nangyayari. Eto rin yung part na kinda test if gusto mo talaga ituloy yung game, kasi nakatikim ka na pero after nung tikim trabaho na kagad. Yung time of disillusionment and interest.

3 weeks into college... kinda adapted na. May "party members" na (o ako yung nasama sa party, I forget), getting the hang of the "life". Ngayon, tapos na yung intro. Start na ng trabaho, tapos na yung easy part. On my own na to expand, to continue the story. Now's not the time to regret picking up the game, pero to start owning the game. Pero sa start, hindi ka naman kagad malakas diba? So, now's the time para magpalakas, to level-up na kagad para chicken na yung mga next part. Power Leveling aka buckle down to work. Haaay... I didn't want to leave the intro part just yet, pero kelangan eh. Well, nothing better to do than move on, right?

oh yeah XD

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Life is like an RPG. or is it the other way around? XD"

Hi - tambay with peeps XD
Lo - no students' discount till aug kasi wala pang ID :(

nung naglalakad kami ni JB, napaisip ako - itsh so like an rpg. Yun bang nasa new area kayo and exploring kung nasan yung places at unti-unting pinupuno yung map mo haha.
yun lang, segway XD

I love RPGs, pero ndi sa start. Kasi - mag-isa ka pa lang, bano ka pa, at andaming napakahirap na parts. Plus malay mo ba yung story sa start. Kasi nga... start pa lang siya. May tutorial kuno, may scripted na battles, may madaling boss, pero still - mahirap siya (unless may gameshark ka lol!) kasi... start pa lang eh. You get the feel, you start to adapt, you just... begin. Begin your new journey, and beginning is oh so hard. Yes, napakadali na sa end, kapag lvl70 upwards ka, umuupak ng random battles, kinakarne yung mga bosses, sobra gets na yung story. But, ndi mo sya totally maeenjoy if ndi mo siya sinimulan. Kasi, if from the start ka nagsimula (no, ndi siya redundant. malay ko ba san ka magsisimula XD), mapapanood mo yung growth ni main char, pano naging ganun yung story, feel mo talaga yung game. Yes, mahirap yung start, pero dahil sa hirap na yun, mas enjoy yung end, mas enjoy yung game.

And so, parang ganun na rin ako, sa buhay kong rpg kuno. Yes, maraming challenges sa start, maraming tests. And yes, masakit. Masakit to glimpse the Orsem, to see the Admu peeps, all fun and at home, while kami, sa start pa lang, bahala na kami to fend for ourselves. You can't imagine the inggit and emo-ness namin ni convo, kapag nakikita namin... kayo, magkakasama, masasaya, and kami medyo on our own and in a whole different world. haaay... Pero yun, like in most rpgs, mahirap sa simula. Mahirap to adapt, to level-up, to keep up, to really accept na ganyan talaga. This is our path, and that's your path. It's up to us to finish this game, this path. To win, to get to lvl70+, to totally gets the story, to kill that friggin boss. It ain't pretty at the start, but it's dam nice to reach the end. And I hope I won't drop my controller and change games just because ndi ko kaya. Eto na, fight na. Mukha namang fun eh XD

And so, I begin my journey. It ain't easy, but it'll be worth it. I know it will

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Freshie Orientation

UP peeps, listen up

UP Freshmen Orientation, June 13
8:30am - all colleges except coll of sciences, engineering at soc sci and philo
1:00pm - coll of sciences, engineering at soc sci and philo

UP theater, yung sa may bahay alumni... hanapin nyo na lang lol!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Only thing that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now!"

Hi - being elibs sa Farmer's Market XD
Lo - my weird stomach the whole day x.x

There are only 10 days left before classes. Only 10 days left to prepare myself for another never-ending battle. Only 10 days left before the start of a new book in the "Mr Losantas" series.
10 days

So I, MigsA2k6, solemnly swear that in college, I will do my best to do the following:
1. Follow my own advice - a lot of people tell me their problems, and I usually give some advice. yet for some reason, I don't live out these things I tell them kahit na applicable din siya sa buhay ko. I'll do my best to help not just others, but myself as well.
2. Push myself - you might not know or notice it, but I honestly just work at 90% efficiency. I can push myself to mga 110%, pero rarely lang yun. I'll do my best to do my best.
3. Be confident - most of the time I hold myself back kasi I think about mga what if: what if I fail, what if others won't like it. I'll do my best to just do it.
4. Maximize my time - I'm a slacker. I'm notorious for wasting my time and working only at the last moment. I'll do my best to do what I can do all the time.
5. Take care of my body - yes I'm athletic in my own right, but I also quickly can get sick. And when I get sick, I'm oh so unproductive. I'll do my best to get my sleep and take my vitamins.

There, my current list of goals for college. It's short as of now, pero I'll probly add to it as time goes by.
I'll do my best to do all these things, para sa yo Kuya Jess
I hope I don't fail you

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

In 2 hours

Things you can do in 2 hours:

1. Sleep
2. Read a book (or a few chapters)
3. Watch TV
4. dota!
5. play basketball
6. play WoW
7. play NBA Live
8. watch 2 episodes of Prison Break, Numb3rs, or One Tree Hill (!)
9. Eat!
10. do your homework (as if... XD)
11. clean the house (or you room at least)
12. do the laundry (naglalaba ako ha!)
13. exercise!
14. train
15. Sleep XD
16. surf the net
17. blog/lj browsing (magkaiba yun 16 at 17 ha XD)
18. YM (which can be done with 16 and 17 XD)
19. write this friggin list
20. get stuck in traffic and think about this friggin list

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Help your country by enjoying your country"

Hi - being home at last. ahhh...
Lo - going home. g'bye palawan :)

Wow... wooow... huwaw...



Palawan was the bomb!

The flight was aliw. My last flight was mga 5 years ago pa, and it was in a big PAL plane. The little Cebu Pacific ones are cool! And the view was... astig.
Legends hotel was nice. Not real grand or high class. Simple lang, hospitable and comfortable :) At nakanood pa ko ng Ice Age 2! Cool, real cool
At yung mga tryke! All access, kahit saan pumupunta! At malaki! Ang galing haha!
The food was great. Real bondat great. And cheap! And good! and nakakabondat! and cheap! and seafoody. yuuum :D (and cheap. did I say cheap?)
1st day was the city tour. It was a real big city! (at sosyal yung ilang stores. May chippy AND hersey's syrup AND some shoes. ang galing!) At kahit city siya, ang ganda ng mga view! At yung Iwahig "prison", nakaka...bilib. Minamahal talaga tayong lahat, kahit yung mga masasama. daaaam...
Then 2nd day yung underground river. Aliw yung mga bayawak haha! At si totong/toteng/teng/boatman namin. At yung cave... breathtaking. Ooohs and ahhhs all around... and bats. A lot of bats. And batshet haha
Stalactites there grow 0.2mm per year. Just if ya wanna know :P
3rd day was snorkling. purik! Powdery beaches and colorful pishis and coral formations. Ang kukulit! Just sprinkle a little bread, at nandyan na silang lahat haha! And yes, marunong na ko mag isnorkel... kinda haha!

Ahhh... basta. I wanna tell everything, pero ndi ko kaya. Basta. Bien. Muy bien Muy muy bien :D

Be a tourist in your own country
Enjoy our lands
Be proud!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Taking it All

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"God is unstoppable"

Hi - First Friday mass.
Lo - Feeling too much heat sa hapon...

Some things are just meant to happen, don't you agree? Parang it looks like a coincidence, pero is it? Did my bro invite me magbasket para lang magbasket, or to learn more about him/his barkada? Did we go to Yellow Cab dahil lang magkakasama kami or to meet Fr. Jboy? Was I an Aboy dahil lang magaling ako, or kasi may bigger plan for me?

All that and a bag of chips

So many questions, and the answers are so few...

Been reading Jess of Nazareth uli (remember that?), and now mas napapag-isipan ko na sya (reading stress-free is nice). Like Jess, am I destined to be a bigshot, or something bigger? Whatever it is, God's got my back. I think... Yeah

And, ACMG/ACLC's got my back too. and Fr. Jboy. Guess I got my bases covered, no?

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Ginayot, pare!"

Hi - getting my card. its... yellow O.o
Lo - commuting with a slight drizzle. weird feeling...

Kimbo, palagay ko ndi mo na mababasa to, pero this one's for you

Ngayon ko lang naisip - bagay nga sayo yung KG21. Heart of a warrior, leadership of a general, courage of a hero, spirit of a kid, humor of a comedian. It's for the original KG, pero its also for the other KG (hindi si canaleta. feeling lang yun), Kimbo Gamboa.

heart of a warrior - never gives up. everytime may pangit na LT or project, laban pa rin. never gives up, and never gives in.
leadership of a general - when the need arises, he steps up and takes the lead. isn't afraid to take the burden and responsibility.
courage of a hero - if something needs doing, he does the just. gaano man kahirap or nakakatakot, he'll face them all.
My man!
spirit of a kid -everytime makasama ko sya sa mga project or report, he's the one making us enjoy working. serious, but dam relaxed. the
humor of a comedian - he's always got a story to tell. naranasan nya, nakita nya, narinig nya, anything to make us smile and brighten our day.
Over na!
classmate, NBAmate, mathmate, pornmaster, sentiman, friend

Kimbo Gamboa - astig ka!
You take care there! Gayotin mo, pare!

Monday, March 27, 2006

*End of Chapter 2*

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"It's never over"

Hi - Graduation. go figure
Lo - not seeing Gabz (Aguila) graduate. its a dam shame...

(This will be a bit emo/long. Read the LJ one for a lighter one)

Haaay... It is done. We have graduated. Four long years. Four long years of blood, sweat, tears and acne oil. Four long years of studying, cramming, meeting, dota/counter/warcraft, YM, lectures, LTs, exams, teachers, lessons, friendship. Four long years in the A section. The honors section. We have endured so much, yet so little. We have endured, and for that we are given this day, this moment. This is our moment.

May secret ako. Wala atang sa class may alam nito, pero alam ata ng dating Campion boys. When I was in grade 7, I said something probably out of fear, out of not enough knowledge. Back then, half jokingly and half serious, I said na "If mapasok ako sa A, paparesection ako" sabay tawa. Yes, back then I was too naive to consider being an Aboy. I didn't want to become one dati. Ayoko maging nerd, inisip ko dati. I was afraid of what I didn't know. And bakit hindi ko tinuloy yung plano ko? That was the only time when my katamaran benefitted me. Tinamad na ko magpa-resection. And I was surprised at what being an Aboy was all about.

In four long years with A2k6... ano nga ba natutunan ko? Be yourself. Be kung ano ka man, at wag kang mahiya. Lahat naman ganun, and lahat naman is willing to take in lahat. Do what you do, at hindi mo kelangan maging plastic. Be open to others and everyone will be open to you. Kung nerdoks ka, ok lang! Kung medyo bobo ka, ok lang! Kung athlete ka, ok lang! Everyone is welcome, and everyone does what he can. That's an Aboy.

From the start pa lang, I wanted to become someone. Someone big, someone who made an impact. I wanted to be great. So I tried to make myself great. COLT, Arnis, acads Wala. Cut sa training, olats sa mga tourney, ndi outstanding sa grades. Then this 4th year, sabi ko "ngyon, I will be recognized. just wait." So todo karir, for the first time. Owning sa Physics at Math, leader sa arnis, make myself known. Then, oblation scholarship pa. Whoa! Instant celebrity! Eto na, I am someone! I have made an impact! Pero come to think of it, I didn't need to be someone big to be respected, to be looked up to. From the start pa lang, I already got the respect. Just clean, straight-up respect. And for giving me that, salamat!

and now, for the thank-yous:
kay bro, for always being there, for supporting me, pushing me, inspiring me
sa A2k6. I love you! Through the good and the bad, sama sama pa rin
to mom and dad, for loving and caring for me, for making me who I am
sa lahat ng nadaanan kong teachers, for touching and teaching me in each and everyway
sa arnis boys, for the uber fun org times :D
sa lahat ng nakilala ko on the way, for broadening my world
kina kari and junbee, for helping me through the late nights and early mornings (or was it just kinukulit nyo lang ako? I forget... :D)
and for each and everyone who made an impact, small or big, in me
*special mention to for keeping me sane all this time*

This is for all those who believed!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Long Time Coming

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune"

Hi - Getting bangag/bored with the Aboys kagabi/kaninang morning
Lo - Right now. Am a bit shleeepiii

This is a bit belated, I've decided on this a long time ago, pero ngayon ko lang mapopost. Why? ... malay ko rin

It's settled. I'm going to UP. Why? I dunno. It almost destined. Now that I think about it, andami na palang signs dati pa lang that almost means that this is where I should be. My outstretched arms, going to UP games, going "go UP" just for the sake of, spending a lot of time there. Even my passing Pisay a few years back cemented my theory. It was meant to be.

Like Bro Cis said, God is always rushing to us, going 99% of the way, and waiting for us to go for even just 1%. I did. Kasi ba naman, forever na kong binibigyan ng opportunities, to be better, to show my potential, to be what I am fully capable of. And almost always decline ako. I just didn't want it. Para bang ndi ko kaya, or not for me, or tamad/matigas lang ang ulo. I want to do things my way, pero ndi pala siya yung the best way. Decline sa COLT, sa intrams, sa pagiging leader. Sige, those made my life easier, pero it was the easy way out. Up to now, I am still haunted by those what ifs, what could have been. Now, no, I won't let this one get away. UP. Oblation Scholar. Tall order, yes, but not impossible.

Like sir Nate said, I don't back down from anyone, or anything. And why not? It's a chance of a lifetime. Plus, it's a new world, a totally different world. Frightening, but exciting. God won't send me to a place to die. He'll send me to places to become better, to become what He wants me to be. And of course, He'll be there every step of the way.

I am at peace.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Settling Down

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"There will be a time when playing on the computer will be boring. Until that time comes, I'll be on my PC playing WoW :P"

Hi - Killing an elite crocothingy, with the same level as I, sa WoW
Lo - Not being able to play basketball kasi there's a Nissan Patrol posting up just outside the painted area

This is the life :). Not the perfect life though, pero a summer life. Wake up medyo early, basket for an hour or so, watch NBA, laro sa PC, tulog, kain, more PC, more tulog, more TV. Wheee! Boring sometimes, yes, but who cares!? It's summer baby! Like Christian/Convi says, that's how I roll! lol!

Dad's coming home this Thurs. Medyo excited na lahat. More nananabik than excited. It's been a year na pala. Wow...

Yun na muna. I'm getting senti na...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It Just Happens

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"*ding ding* moments"

Hi - wandering the HS on my own. veeery senti moment
Lo - causing bro to be late kanina :(

All because of of my graphing calcu's manual.

Nasa Ateneo ako kanina para isauli yung manual na yun. Plano, bigay ko lang yun, tapos sabay sa bus pauwi. Ng maaga. Pero... hindi. Basta. Read on.

So 8am, nasa ITC, binalik yung manual. As in binigay ko lang at umalis na ko. Then kain sa caf, expecting na walang tao. Then, kita Sibol boys so tambay with them (plus nood ng summer-CAT. :P) At mga 9, disperse. Libot mag-isa sa HS campus (at lait ng undergrads :P), stop over sa chapel at Gesu. Thinking na dumota yung Bboys, daan ng neoatenes. Mga 930 wala sila, pero nandun si Kimbo nagsusulat ng takteng appeal letter (3rd to 1st honors? oh yeah...) so tambay till mga 1030. Then, daan ng 711, only to see the Glee Club boys (yung boys lang. yung iba, wala pa) and Gela there. Nag-aya sila for me to watch them at UP, at oo naman ako. So una na si Kimbo, at tag-along ako sa Glee Club.

So sakay sa "car" (E150) ni Rye. At first, 5 lang kami so uber luwag. Then pick-up (... not the perfect term) the other Glee Club members... so mga 12 na kami haha! Pero ok lang. So diretso sa Abelardo, and watch them perform. Kaya lang, as the "mascot" nila (huwat a term, rye!), nakasali ako sa photo-ops at kain nila. Weee! Then, dapat dota with them, kaya lang puno na LC, so lipat ako pao and gab sa worldnet. So upakan with the AI (dam phantom lancer!) with a real scary drow (33-1, with raper +roshan kill). After, ym ng konti, then hitch a ride with kuya pauwi. On the way, kain uli sa chowking (beef wanton!)... plus talk.
Yung talk namin... next time na. Humahaba na yung post eh.

All that dahil lang sa takteng manual ng graphing calcu ko. Aliw!

Onga pala, I took gab's advice at gumawa na rin ako ng LJ account. LosA2k6. Add nyo ko :)

One last thing. Happy Birthday Bro!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

End of the Line

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Zion! The war is over! The war is oveeeeeeer!!!"

Hi - Exams are over! No more req's! Deremof!
Lo - I choked a lot sa Math exam. I hate it na yun pa yung last memory ko ng HS

Starting today, may bagong thing sa mga posts - yung Hi Lo, natutunan ko sa talk ni Bro Cis kanina. At the end of the day, think about the highs and lows that happened that day, tapos pag-isipan mo. Its a small thing, pero it just might lead you to where God wants you. Think about it.

My High School life has ended. Not yet officially (sa grad pa yun), pero tapos na lahat ng kelangan. No more cramming, no more late nights and early mornings (until June...). Senti, yes, pero I'll enjoy this moment. I've worked hard the 4 years, and doubly hard this last year. And finally, I can rest. Ahhh... Salamat... I've earned this :)

As for the talk kanina, Bro Cis was... ang galing. Simple words pero sobrang talab. And oh so wise... Balance what you want, where you are needed and what you have. The examen of conscience. Ding-ding moments. Pray. Yes, I still don't have my answer, pero at least I have a way to find out. God, I hope I can reach out to you...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Shell Shocked

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:

It was almost perfect. Book-it na ko dapat sa ateneo. UP was just no match. Then... it happened...
Oblation scholar ako.

Not naman na I don't want it. Sure, thanks. Ang galing ko pala talaga. Pero... *sigh* What does this mean?!? Is this a sign na UP dapat ako? Or parang test lang kung gano ko kagusto sa ateneo?

Shet. Ante up, sobra. Kung baga sa economics, halos patas yung opportunity cost eh. Smooth na dapat eh... Dam...

Pero, on the flipside, this is still a blessing. Biro mo o, naging kapantay ko si ec, berbi at alvin! Wherever ako pumunta, it just means na maraming binigay sakin si Lord, at sana mabalik ko lahat to. Salamat

... sa free will

On the lighter side... ansarap ng rib-eye at oysters sa Chateau Verde (yung sa may likod ng UP coop.) Buffet sila every weekend. Yuuum, sobra

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Momentum Breaker

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Why do you have to make things so complicated?"

For probably the only time in my life, I didn't like the long weekend. Everything went haywire. Sabog na skeds, sabog na mindset, sabog na situation natin (at least medyo ayus na sya. medyo) Plus the fact na inubos nila yung last days namin. Takte.

Dumaan kami ng UP kahapon. Yes, pasado ako. And ho noes, psych din. Oh my gulay.
*flashback to 4years ago*
"Mik, nandito na yung letter ng Ateneo. Pasado ka ata. Nandito na rin yung sa Pisay, check mo na lang."
Yes, pasado ako. Sa pareho. Oh my gulay.
*back to present*
I guess alam nyo what I chose. Stress on the I. Noon, it was my decision. I gave the final word, with a lot of sleepless nights and hearing a lot of biased opinions. Now, it is still my decision. I give the final word, probably with not as much sleepless nights, but hearing a little more biased opinions.
Simple problem: choosing between two different schools for the same course
Complex problem: comfort vs freedom, the scouted path vs the unsure path, soaring among others vs soaring on your own, among so many others... again, oh my gulay

Pero in the end, what does this all mean? Ano ba plano sa kin sa mundong ito? Then again, this is my life, my decision. This is my time. God help me. You always do :)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Trouble Brewing...

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"The Bad Politico Theory: ndi lahat ng politico masama. Lagi lang nakikita sa TV yung mga masasama. In the same way, ndi lahat ng tao masama. Lagi lang nakikita sa TV ...errr sa media yung mga masasama"

No classes kanina. This would be just one of the few times na I didn't like classes to be suspended. Aside from ayaw ko yung circumstances kung bakit walang pasok, andami na kasing sabog na sched. Plus the fact na minus one day from our last days in the HS. Argh... One regular school day to go...

Nagkagulo kanina. Rally, dispersal, Emergency eklat. Damit. Can't we get along. Sure ayaw niyo si GMA at gusto niyo kayo yung in power, pero still. Do we really need to stop the world to hear your bullshit. "Hear" is the imperative word here. Why can't we learn to have an open mind and get along with our lives? Is hostility really necessary? Why do you want to make a ruckus anyways? You whine and whine and yet you don't do anything to solve our problems. If you'll excuse us, we have things to do, and I suggest you do yours. This isn't blind ideology - it's just thinking practically.

There's hope yet... Everything's gonna be alright

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Running on Fumes

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Rest when you're dead"

Dam. This always happens. I dream big, I start out waaaay strong, be consistent for a few weeks, then something chips my armor, and so my downfall starts. So ngayon, naaasar na ko. Grades dropping, focus is getting waaay lost and my fucking HS life is coming to a slow and agonizing end. My dreams of ownage are slipping. Past 2 physics LTs... kadiri... debate... kadiri... tourny... kadiri... I'm starting not to care about Fil, Arts and TD na nga eh. And personally, nandidiri ako sa sarili ko. Where's the friggin passion? The "last time na, lupitan mo na!", nasan na? Yung "all it takes" shit, wherefore? Nandito... sa utak. Sa kamay... nada. Senioritis taking over? I hope not. I still have around a week to redeem myself. I hope it works. I don't wanna end my high school on a forgettable note.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Some More Humble Pie

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Now I know why I didn't get an org medal"

Dam. My confidence aura's getting the better of me. Hindi ko na siya macontrol. Math sumasabog, Sci LT very disappointing, CAT... well I never did like CAT. Now this, my biggest chance to shine, blown up. Fuck. Sige, I was overmatched, I faced the best they got. Or I waited for so long that medyo tinamad na rin ako. Or pwede rin na puros heart lang nga ako, and no satanic or byuriz. Or maybe I just wasn't meant to win. But the bottom line is: I lost. I wasn't as good as I hyped myself to be. And it sucks. It hurt more than a lowblow. Pride ko, pare, kinuha, dinuraan, inapakan, pinunit at binalik pa. Ouch... that'll leave a mark.

Pero yes, I still have my torn pride with me. And it wants revenge. It doesn't want me to sulk and give up. It wants me to push myself, to bring out all I got, to live up to my billing for chrissake! Want dont'l kill you makes you stronger right? And since it didn't kill you, you might as well kill it. Pero I won't take Gab's path (no offence, pre). Sure, heart did get me where I am, and it has kept me going forever. I'm not gonna trade my heart for a satanic. I'm gonna let my heart finish what it started, and get a satanic or byuriz on the way. I'm gonna get mine, one of these days!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Bawal kumain, bawal uminom, bawal kumuha ng letrato, bawal magtapon ng paputok sa entablado, bawal magliston, bawal maglinis ng kotse, bawal magtapon ng kamatis, bawal mag-ihaw ng isaw... sa loob ng bulwagan"

Bodabil rocked! Basta, astig! Can't put it in words, just a lot of laughter wahahahahahahahahahaha! Gusto ko uli manood!

Tonight, I'm actually studying for the physics LT tom, then sana matuloy yung sa chain reaction. Then on sat, tourney tapos habol for english proj. Sunday either chain reaction, arts, both, or none. I hope we do at least one of them.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Humble Pie

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"If life was perfect, then it would be booooooooring"

First, some normal stuff. Last tutoring na namin kanina. It was... a bit sablay. It summed up the whole tutoring year - crammed the night before, not really exciting, a bit repetitive but you learn a dam lot. And probably last labrep ko na yung kanina. And surprisingly, I did it early. wow... Last community mass na kanina, though wala ng year to year blessings :( oh well

Now the rant. Why in the world did I not get an org achievement award?!? Sure Garde deserved his gold. Ranny really did a lot of work so that would give him a medal too. Migna, well... goes to college training so good shot kay coach... And ako? I train my ass of every single training session. I do whatever coach tells us to do, a whole lot better than everyone else. I can lead, I can follow, I can be an example to all them shorties. I take charge when charge is needed. I don't whine, nor call attention to myself. I just work, period. And I've been doing this for 4 years now, running with Marco and EZ and all the higher echelon peeps. And yet, no love? just a loyalty award? Dahil ba hindi ako sumisipsip o in the limelight? Screw that! Sure, that ain't bad pero puta loyatly lang?!? Thanks for staying for 4 years, ganun?!? Screw that even more. Not even a measly bronze, or a thank you? It's hard to love when you don't feel the love back...

Pero no, I'm not gonna let my pride get the best of me. In these situations, there's two options: rant and cry all you want, or thoughen up and prove yourself. And usually, I take the 2nd choice. I don't back down from challenges. Coach didn't give me a medal kasi he see's that I still have a lot of potential, a lot still in me. Para bang hindi pa lahat nilalabas ko, and tama naman. I still got a lot up my sleeve, and I still got a lot to prove. 1st gen of the gs arnis program, and still just above average. Tama. Show and prove time again. Personal challenge: I will own the dual meet. I'll prove that I'm worth something. The silent worker will be recognized! If not, then I do have a lot to work on. And as always, I won't back down. Again, I'll work my ass of, and then I'll prove myself once more. And this will go on and on until... well, until I have nothing to prove. Meaning, forever to until I become dam good. Count on it! All it takes baby, all it takes.

I'm not asking for a medal or anything, just a chance to rise up

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mind Games

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"You don't have to have four aces for the opponent to think you have four aces"

Madaya ang Ateneo. They brainwash the incoming freshies too much. They don't poison the other guy's well, they make their's taste better! Propaganda, I tell you! Pero, ang galing nila ah. And they do have the stuff to back them up. (and the food. ang sarap ng food! and they had a chocolate fountain/fondue. ang galin!) And well, matagal na rin naman akong biased for admu eh. Alma mater for 12 years ba naman. So as of now, 9-1 chance of going to LS... until the river comes. When the river of the UP results come, medyo ndi na ko all-in sa admu. Pero big bet pa rin haha! If reports are true, the river of dreams comes on Feb 18. Mark it.

And of course, mark niyo rin yung date na yun for our dual meet vs Claret sa Megamall, 12noon to mga 3. Announcement lang, hindi invitation haha!

And yes, we have mga 2weeks of regular school days left. All the projects are bearing down. For one of the few times in my life, I'm really feeling the pressure. Whooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaah.... Kaya ko to... Kaya ko to... Crunchtime baby... All it takes, all it takes...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pretty Petty

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Gising na kaibigan ko, ganda ng buhay ay nasa sa 'yo"

proud ako sa prayer ko kanina, kahit anlabo nya
Sana sila'y may tinig
Sana sila'y marining
Sana kami'y makinig
Sana kami'y makilig

Mam Moca's back!!! Goodbye Jasper!!!

Bakit wala ng Whose Line? sa hapon?!? ... Bakit din minsan wala ng Simpsons'... at maikli na lang Kids Next Door? At nasan na yung Kingtuner account ko?!? ... ambabaw ng rants ko haha!...

Nakapanalo na rin ako ng sparring match! yey! and btw, 3rd career arnis tourney ko sa Feb 18, vs Claret. Sa Mega of all places! Confidence...

Nawala na talaga ownage aura ko sa math and p6. Losing grip, o tinatamaan lang ako ng senioritis? Hold on... hold on...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Drums Rumbling in the Distance

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"I'll get there when I get there..."

Another useless weekend, another eventful week. Same-old same-old... Though masarap yung lazy weekends, at sanay na ko sa trabaho days... It's getting a bit repetitive... and when finals are in a few weeks, repetitive's not good... But still, it's a brand new week. Enjoy the repetiveness :D

For the Ultra victims, rest in peace... for the survivors, keep the faith... for those accountable, sana you pay and learn from this... for those who would take advantage of this situation (na marami-rami pa rin), shame on you! Let's all mourn, learn and move on...

BTW, I (accidentally) watched SuperBowl XL kanina. And probly since ndi ako taga-dun, I couldn't see what the excitement was all about. Sure naaliw and nabilib ako and all (Rolling Stone performed at halftime. THAT was fun, seeing the old Mick Jagger perform like hell haha!) pero ndi ko nakita why all them folks are so hyped-up. It's a culture thing...

Friday, February 03, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Good luck and bad luck (if you believe in it) is like a seesaw: minsan mataas isang side tapos biglang bagsak. Pero there's a balance between them, so you have almost equal amounts of either"

Aliw yung mga series of events nung thurs. Try to follow lang:

wed night - ndi mapriny yung mga tula for fil, so thurs morn paprint sa neo

thurs morn - may math hw at art proj pa pala, so skip neo and paprint sa lib instead --> ndi magets math hw, at ndi nagawa art, so Magic na lang with zo (2-0 XD) --> ndi chineck yung hw (pero diniscuss at gets ko na!) at yung art proj --> (reccess) no printing sa lib, paprint after class instead --> fil paper not needed pala (and no pagbigkas XD) --> free to dota after class --> rye would come pagdating ng "car" niya so alalay rye for his award thingy while waiting --> pagdating ng car, nadaanan si gab and babs so more dota peeps --> go to worldnet, and play alongside rye and raf! gg for me :) --> pc restarts, so :( and surf for a while --> person na rarely online is online, so chat kami for the 1st time in... 1 year? ohhhh -->after dota, aya si rye to tambay somewhere while waiting for "car" --> stopby at 711, where may 3 chinitas also tambaying. nice --> rye was going home na pala, pero he took me to hs na rin --> his bro was waiting pala sa hs, so good thing na nagdetour pa sila --> before going home, have haircut (the final 3x4 cut of my life!), where incidentally nandun yung claret boys --> sleep by 10pm

Ayun lang. Naaliw lang ako sa relationship nung some of the events. And, like I said, I had my (hopefully) very last 3x4 white-side-wall haircut, and I slept by10pm for the 1st time this year. In short, it was a memorable day :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

All in a Day's Work

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Isipin mo na lang: kung gumagawa kami ng paraan para pigilan deck mo, malakas nga deck mo"

This is one of the times na it's annoying to be great. I get a dam good math LT mark (pero hindi na perfect. constantly increasing acceleration not equal to constant acceleration!), but just less than siya sa total of the 3 around me. Plus the fact na naaasar na si jeri (at gab?) na mataas LT marks ko. Lagi akong bothered whenever I succeed and those around me fail. Is it really my problem? What can I do naman? I do what I can to help them, clarify some things, kaya lang kulang pa eh... (though yung kay vj, super mental lapse lang talaga) I won't resort to helping them cheat, mind you, pero I hope na I can really help them.

3rd to the last tutoring session na kanina. At matino na uli ako magturo. Problem nga lang, I still can't handle emotional breakdowns. Ngayong patapos na kami, na mukhang ok na, iiyak pa si julius. I know I should have done something before that happened pero... dammit... I hope next week goes well...

and some cards news: andami na rin palang bagong pokemon cards... the gayotness of my b/r can be stopped... babs fears hosers :)... being whooped by a cloud of fairies is a sight to behold XD

Sunday, January 29, 2006

All Over the Place

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Hero Sieging in Binondo ups the difficulty a bit"

We went from home to Manila to Binondo to Cubao to the outskirts of Mandaluyong and back, with a stop-over sa admu and UP in just 7hrs. Commuting. Astig.

UST results are out. Pasok ako both Chem and Chem Eng. Why am I not surprised? (no really, bakit kaya wala man lang akong excitement or anything?) and yes, trip uli down memory lane for mom ang pagbalik nya sa beloved alma mater niya. Kaso naligaw kami palabas haha!

We visited din Ate Ina sa Metropolitan Hospital (or should I say hotel? ang gandaaaaaa!!!) She's fine after her operation. She's always fine, always smiling and joking :) Good for her :)

Then we treked binondo for some dimsum. Kain sa President... dam good dimsum and yangchow fried rice! and aliw na dragon dancers, though parang as annoying as carolers sila haha!

as for mandaluyong? we watched bro's abl game. Panalo na dapat eh... oh well... fun :) (some sightings: cute girl in pink with cute chiuaua also in pink; ma'am katz cheering some math teacher... and more; faiva look-alike! haha! chismiiis na to!)

In relation sa quote above, I only got 4. Masyadong pure kasi yung mga nandun, and not as... nice... Goes to show that the pure breeds aren't always better than the hybrids.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Good Enough

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:

My big letdown today: I passed up an open shot, I forgot the putback and I almost wasted a lay-up. At least I recovered. It's a different ballgame when you're with a good pointguard: makes everyone else better, me included.
(pointguard not equal to player, I would like to clarify...)

Our demo seemed good. Flashy enough yet medyo simple lang. At hindi na yung power-rangers thing. May minor sablays, pero ok lang (aliw/kawawa rin yung na-tombstone sa capo haha!). And I learned a few things: hindi na uli namin gagawin yun, undergrads na bahala next year at masarap bumagsak sa judo mats! And yes, may free food and free glowing-spike-ball/portable rave party!!!

The classical concert was OWNAGE! yung guitarist and jr on violins, yung solo violinist, yung Glee Club, tapos si Josh Padla!!! syet grabe... bow down!!! mabilis magshift ng daliri, end to end sa bridge, iba-ibang tempo ng kanta... did I mention na halos pure plucking lang siya? my gad! The glee club was also dam good. Real strong kanina, lalo na sa bass (which coincidentally has 4 of the Aboys). Magaling...

And some last shots: yurnero is gayot, guardian angel is more gayot, axe really looks like yurnero, ceddie was with his, miggy was with maia, mike was with his, lonely at nakakagutom ang security duty, I still dread the colt being trained by talampas... Mr Miranda and Ms Aldana was all over the fair, 4-3 lang record ng boros ni zo vs black/red ko, with him leading - most defeats were from landlessness

Monday, January 23, 2006

Truth be Told

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Video killed the radio star"

Yey! Panalo si Pacman! We had unity for a few hours! Walang kotse o traffic o tao sa kalye! Walang pasoooook!!! (I wish!)

For some reason, after Pacman won... hindi ako naexcite... Must be from all those friggin ads. 5min ads in between rounds per fight. DAMMIT!!! The asar of knowing the result before seeing it was nothing compared to a gazillion ads. Hate it...

More asar is when an LT could have been, just maybe, perfected... then there's the dam mental lapse. Right logic, right solution... wrong answer! putik...

Things were a bit cold at the dinner table. Misunderstanding + miscommunication + neither stepping down = shivers. Palagay ko that's the problem a lot of us have. Hindi nagkakaintindihan and ayaw makipag-usap. Too proud to stand down. So away and/or silent treatment (na a lot more scarier) Weirdest thing na nangyari - bro went out of his way to the downstairs cr, rather than the master bedroom cr, to avoid momy. Oh boy...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Trivial Trivia

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"It's all g-double o-d good"

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Miko!

  1. According to the story, Pinocchio was made of miko.
  2. Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by miko fighting underground.
  3. Worldwide, miko is the most important natural enemy of night-flying insects.
  4. It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be miko.
  5. A thimbleful of miko would weigh over 100 million tons!
  6. The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of miko is blue.
  7. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted miko.
  8. Moles are able to tunnel through 300 feet of miko in a day!
  9. Miko is the only bird that can swim but not fly.
  10. Women shoplift four times more frequently than miko.
I am interested in - do tell me about

With compliments to Emperor Convi and his blog, where I first saw this

Friday, January 20, 2006

Adrenalin Rush

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Enzo + Raf + Berba on techies is... P***"

My theory that video games are medicinal has a new support. From tues to thurs morning I was feeling sick. Sore throat + feeling cold + headache... *brrr* Then dota 130-7, movie, then all night comp kina zo, tapos dota/hero siege in the morn. Now I feel like a new man! No colds, no headache, little sore throat. wow!

The overnight at zo's was ill! Pa-bwisitan sa dota maghapon, the nood Underworld sa gabi, then ps2/pokemon/my sassy girl all morning. Oh yeah! May natulog ng matagal, may maikli lang, pero masaya naman lahat (we got your back, tej!) And yes, I was perfectly awake the whole morning. Pag-uwi nga lang, tulog 130-830 lol! Bawi kagad ng tulog hehe. tnx zo

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"We only got until the end of time to change the world"

Ripple effect - late ako natulog nung monday = tulog ako sa hapon tues and kanina = late na ako nakagawa ng hw and stuff = late din ako natulog tues and mamaya. Sucks maaan... I'm feel that I'm gonna get sick sooner or later. I hope not. Bilang na lang araw ko sa HS. Konting push na lang...

Dapat pala nanood din ako ng intrams... Last game na pala namin kanina...

What a sad sight. Pag-uwi ko kanina, sinalubong ako nina Kit nd Poknat (doggies namin), tumatakbo away from the work sa likod namin. Si poknat, usual na tarantang takbo. Si kit... nakakaiyak... Para bang nawawala, nalulungkot. Wala na yung wagging tail o panting tongue. Just pitiful sobra, nakakaiyak nga. When I knelt down and patted his head, para bang hindi na rin nya ko kilala... To think na matagal na sya dito pero rarely ko lang sya nilaro... Whata waste...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Finding a Scrap of Meaning

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"If they fall off, they fall off"

5-1. damn... The bitter taste still lingers in my mouth. Dun sa 5 goals nila, 2 through me. Ok na sana eh, mga 3/4 of the 1st half 0 all pa. Then boom, bumrushed... After the 1st goal, the door was wide open... Nothing to be ashamed of, actually. Good game, mas malakas lang talaga sila. Kaya lang... aargh... I always end up blaming myself a lot, kahit na konti lang kinalaman ko... Pero tama si Pao, buti na ngayon kami nalaglag kesa deep into the tourney na. Mas heartbreaker yun. Mas hindi ko mapapatawad sarili ko...

Brightsides to this: less than half their goals were through me, hindi clean-sheet yung kalaban na keeper, no more intrams hassle (no more intrams for me either...) at may support uli yung theory ko - skill first before heart, because heart without skill would take you nowhere

Today is my last Utopia login for a looong time. Getting jaded na kasi ako, hindi na masyado lumiligaya whenever I play. A badly needed break, to get back the time I've spent on this game, to re-prioritize whatever it is I need to prioritize. Looking back, I had a good time in that kd. Unforgetable people, glorious times, humbling experiences. Lessons were learned, pero I won't say that Utopia made me a better man. It did give me a reason to go online... So
marky, scott, languine, roost... Nice to have played with you guys. See ya when I see ya!

BTW, 2nd one-man Roshan kill ko kanina. Yurnero, lvl25, may buriza, threads, S&Y, butterfly and rapier. mga 90% ng attacks, 1k critical hit. Few hits, tapos omnislash. Tapos ang laban.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame..."

Malas daw mga tao today. A very unlucky day for those who believe in it. Ako, medyo naniniwala sa luck and coincidence and stuff. The worst pa lang na nangyari today is the dam CAT. Dam stiffs, nagiging siryoso na uli sila, asar... Papakitang-gilas sa higher-ups. Bullshit. Plus yung walang kwentang talk kanina. Not the talk mismo, I have high regard for old people lalo na if they do a lot for the community. OK sana yung talk ni kap, pero takte naman yung soundsystem... Napakahina, nasa likod ng stage, isa lang tapos may mga naglalaro pa sa likod ng courts. Ironic pa na may naghahakot ng mga large speakers and stuff right beside us. Couldn't they have planned this any better??? whata waste...

Physically taxing week had past... 3days may intrams (though sa isa lang ako naglaro), college training nung mon, plus 12am bedtime kagad... haaay... thanks for the weekend...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pick Your Shots

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Rest when you're dead"

The new year is going smoothly naman. For some reason most things are going right. At least, sa first 2 weeks, o the first month. After this, hindi ko na alam. Biglang dadami yung papagawin, hihirap yung load, mapapasuko ako... Ngayon pa nga lang, 12am sleep na uli ako eh. At least for the better siya. Less cram in the morning, more work at night. Bad side is, pagod at bugbog na kagad ako. Heart can only get you so far, you also need the physical tools and skill for it. I only have the 2nd part...

Mr Banal is reborn into Jahsper! (de Leon) Not sa kinakabahan siya magturo sa amin, pero sabog uli yung mga lessons eh. Hindi sumusunod sa LP ni Dator, amboring magturo, nagpapatawang hindi. Waaaah!!! Mam Dator, nasan ka na?!?

Grinder of a day tom. Not much sleep ngayon (plus arnis kanina, and hindi pa nawawala yung effects of monday training), then 2 soccer games bukas... Hindi nga ako matitibag, pero sobrang slowed-down lang

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Door's Open

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"Can you say top 2%?"

Raise your hand if you're a BS psycho! I am! May college na ko!!! Ansaya pa nung mix of people - kim, bebe, babs, jb, kari - to say the least XD Never really expected to get in this course, tapos dir's list pa! (may bonus ba yun?) Happy and excited and thankful and proud and scared and hoping and praying and OMG and WTF and OWNING!!! at the same time. Not to be mayabang or anything, pero UST is now out of the picture. Pagdating naman ng UP results... ayun, another headache... Whatever you want for me God, I'll take it. Binigay mo lahat to me to do what I do and reach where I am now. Salamat...

For those na wala sa list, rye and gabz... I sure hope and pray you've got something up your sleeve. Hate to see you floating around, lost and all. It's a dam waste to see such potential na bigla na lang masasayang... Good luck, sobra...

Today caps a very good "week". Perfect math LT, winning sa magic uli, 10+ dun sa trick quiz ng physics, almost no TD, nothing big yet to do. Ahhh...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Perfect Take-Off

Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"We really love our teachers, no?"

Ayun, back to school kanina. Hangover, yes. Bangag, medyo... Excited? Konti lang. Pero at least I started the year right. With one of my rare masses. I don't expect me to go there everyday afterwards, pero it's a start. It felt good, it really did.

Then 1st period, Math. OOOOOOWNING!!!! Perfect LT, baby! Sobrang pampalaki ng ulo! Sige, kaya ko rin derivatives!!! AROC at IROC muna, then exemption! (if meron. dapat meron)

Then the day breezed by... Td, Eng, Arts, P6, Fil sobra bilis. Sobrang walang ginawa. Sa arnis, lunge training pero parang hindi ko rin namalayan. Now nasa comp na uli ako, same time kahapon na wala rin akong ginagawa...

Kaya ko bang ma sustain yung burst ko? Kaya! Last term of pwnage, boys...

Monday, January 02, 2006


Quote/Question/Theory of the day:
"If you could change one day/event during the past year, what would it be?"

One more year over, a new year to look forward to. Yung mga lungkot, saya at mga in-between nung 2005, forever finished na. Bagong taon ay mag bagong buhay, sabi nga. Pinaka resolution/wish ko lang: to make the most of whatever life gives me. Last year andami kong na pabayaang chances, medyo maling choices sa sangkatutak na challenges (A boy pa rin ako, noh). A new year, a new leash in life. This will be one heck of a year!

It always feels weird when nashoshock yung parents mo sa "normal" na ginagawa natin. Mas nakakagulat kasi hindi ganun reaction nila kay kuya noon o.O Party kasi ng arnis the other day. Ansaya naman, kain, Tekken (try nyo tapusin yung tekken 1 sa loob ng tekken 5. syet...), inuman. Ayun. Nung nalaman ni mom na uminom ako, berserk! Puros "Ano?" "Pano?" "Ano feeling?" "Ok ka lang?" Mom naman... Baka nashock lang siya na tumatanda na busno nya XD Yes, momy, tumatanda na ko :)

Dota-fest naman kina marky nung isang araw. Grabe talaga mga bata ngayon! Adik talaga!!! At least fun, at masaya naman sila. Bonding kaming mga magpinsan over dota, nba 2k5 at way of the samurai. Si iya... medyo op, pero kebs naman. Ako... shuttling from the pc to the ps2 to iya to the couch. Ako pa nag-eentertain ngayong guest lang ako sa kanila!? Oh well... Mark's got a long ways to learn...

Two days left before classes. Tom, labas with bro. Tues, tulog/basa catcher. Pasalamat talaga ako na wala kaming big academic stuff na pinagawa this break!